Using Off Cuts – Table Runner

I am at my most creative when I have lots of different bits and pieces around me that I can use and I can compose a symphony from from the colours and pattern.

Here is some thing I made from doing just that!Runner 1 Runner 2 Runner 3 Runner 4 Runner 5 Runner 6 Runner 7 I’m very pleased with this, what do you think! 🙂

This weekend

Sold this!

A Table runner and four napkins, sold to unexpected visitors to my studio on Saturday.

Sold this

Bought these!

Went to a few open studios this weekend and bought this lovely medieval style tile

Bought This 1

and this lovely carborunum print.

Bought this 2

Made this!

I began this new pattern/drawing but with a twist. I’m adding sections of a complimentary print this time, I quite like it so far! 🙂

Made this